Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blaine's Film Looks Effects for Windows Movie Maker

Blaine's Film Looks EffectsThe following effects can be used to give your video more of a "film look". There are 9 different film looks available. These effects work with Windows Movie Maker 6.0 (either under Vista or Windows 7).

To see a side-by-side comparison of each of the effects, check out Sample Video of Blaine's Film Look Effects

To add the Film Looks Effects to Windows Movie Maker, there are two installers depending on whether you are running WMM 6.0 on a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows. The installer will put the necessary files into C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared.

Windows Movie Maker 6.0:
Blaine's Film Looks (64-bit) Installer
Blaine's Film Looks (32-bit) Installer

After restarting Windows Movie Maker, you should have 9 new Film Look effects with corresponding icons:
  • Film Look - Bleach Bypass - simulates a common film printing process that results in higher contrast, lower saturation.

  • Film Look - Contrast - a higher contrast film look.

  • Film Look - Desaturation - a lower saturation film look.

  • Film Look - Enhance Colors - 6 color profile enhancements.

  • *Note: These transitions require the architecture of WMM 6.0 and can't be made to work on versions 2.6 or earlier.

    Saturday, January 01, 2011

    Blaine's Custom Transitions Pack 1 Released (Windows Movie Maker 6.0 only)

    Blaine's Transition Pack 1As a gift to you, I'm releasing a pack of new transitions for Windows Movie Maker 6.0*. These transitions require the use of Rehan's ShaderTFX add-on. If you've never installed this before, follow the directions and test they work first. If you've already installed a copy of ShaderTFX (registered or unregistered), you can skip these steps.

    For a preview of what is included in the transition pack, check out this Transition Pack 1 - Sample Video

    For the new transitions pack, there are two installers depending on whether you are running WMM 6.0 on a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows. The installer will put the necessary files into, C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared.
    Prerequisite: Rehan's ShaderTFX add-on.

    Windows Movie Maker 6.0:
    Blaine's Transition Pack 1 (64-bit) Installer
    Blaine's Transition Pack 1 (32-bit) Installer

    After restarting Windows Movie Maker, you should have 13 new transitions with corresponding icons:
  • Circle Stretch - The second clip appears in a circle and stretches out to replace the first clip.

  • Push Slide - These transitions push the existing clip out of the way. They can go in any of the 8 compass directions.

  • Wiggle In/Out - Either or both of the clips will transition in a wavy, wiggly pattern.

  • Zoom Blur - The first clip zooms toward the viewer and blurs to reveal the second clip.

  • *Note: These transitions require the architecture of WMM 6.0 and can't be made to work on versions 2.6 or earlier.