Sunday, June 25, 2006

Soccer Ball Titles for Windows Movie Maker

Download Soccer Ball TitlesWith the World Cup frenzy and a request on the Movie Maker Forums, I created the following set of Movie Maker Soccer (a.k.a. Football) Titles. Most of the XML came directly from HitTheBongo's set of baseball titles. I didn't change much other than the names and the images.
Click on the soccer ball above which will download the custom soccer ball titles. Run the self-extracting executable (soccerball) and it will install the custom XML code and the image files you'll need.
To use the new titles, go to 'Tools' > 'Titles and Credits' > 'Title on the selected clip' > 'change the title animation'. Under your list of one line titles should be 4 new ones called:
  • Soccer Ball (spins out, video shrinks)

  • Soccer Ball (spins out)

  • Soccer Ball (zoom, no spin)

  • Soccer Ball (slide to side)

  • I've got some ideas for additions, but I wanted to get these out to those that were requesting them. The bulk of the credit should obviously go to HitTheBongo.

    Monday, June 05, 2006

    Windows Movie Maker 2.x - Effects Icons

    If you are creating your own custom effects in Windows Movie Maker 2.x, you need to specify an icon number. Rather than guessing, you can use the following images to figure out which of the standard 36 icons (0 through 35) you want to use. Click on a thumbnail to see the full image.
    Effects Icons 00-11Effects Icons 0-11
    Effects Icons 12-23Effects Icons 12-23
    Effects Icons 24-35Effects Icons 24-35