Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blaine's Custom Cartoon Effects

Blaine's Cartoon EffectsThe following effects can be used to give your photos and videos a cartoon look. There are 3 different "cartoonify" effects plus an additional "half tone" effect which can be applied as well. These effects work with Windows Movie Maker 6.0 (either under Vista or Windows 7).

To see an example of the effects, check out the Sample Video of Blaine's Cartoon Effects

To install the Cartoon Effects into Windows Movie Maker, you have a choice of installers depending on whether you are running WMM 6.0 on a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows. Pick the correct installer and it will put the necessary files into C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared.

Windows Movie Maker 6.0:
Blaine's Cartoon Effects (64-bit) Installer
Blaine's Cartoon Effects (32-bit) Installer

After restarting Windows Movie Maker, you should have 4 new Cartoonify effects with corresponding icons:
  • Cartoonify, #1 through #3 - The colors are flattened and edges are highlighted in black.

  • Cartoonify, Half Tone - This gives an additional effect similar to a comic book printing

  • For a clip or image, pick one of the 3 cartoonify effects (#1, #2 or #3). If you like the half tone effect, apply that next to the same clip. Sometimes you may find that you need to brighten the clip or add a little blurring first. Play around with the effects until you get something you like.

    *Note: These transitions require the architecture of WMM 6.0 and can't be made to work on versions 2.6 or earlier.

    Tuesday, February 01, 2011

    Custom Spin and Zoom Effects

    'Spin and Zoom Effects' Video SampleThere was a request on the forums for variations on some of the standard Windows Movie Maker effects for spinning and zooming.

    Take a look at the video and if that is something you would like, click through to the post for the Custom Spin and Zoom Effects. Incidentally these are only for Windows Movie Maker 6.0 and won't work on WMM 2.x or Windows Live Movie Maker (WLMM).