To see an example of the effects, check out the Sample Video of Blaine's Cartoon Effects
To install the Cartoon Effects into Windows Movie Maker, you have a choice of installers depending on whether you are running WMM 6.0 on a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows. Pick the correct installer and it will put the necessary files into C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared.
Windows Movie Maker 6.0:
Blaine's Cartoon Effects (64-bit) Installer
Blaine's Cartoon Effects (32-bit) Installer
After restarting Windows Movie Maker, you should have 4 new Cartoonify effects with corresponding icons:
For a clip or image, pick one of the 3 cartoonify effects (#1, #2 or #3). If you like the half tone effect, apply that next to the same clip. Sometimes you may find that you need to brighten the clip or add a little blurring first. Play around with the effects until you get something you like.
*Note: These transitions require the architecture of WMM 6.0 and can't be made to work on versions 2.6 or earlier.