Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Blaine's Custom Transition Pack 2 (MultiSlide)

Blaine's Transition Pack 2Time for another pack of transitions for Windows Movie Maker 6.0*. I call these "MultiSlide" transitions. Check out the Transition Pack 2 - Sample Video and you'll see why.

These transitions require the use of Rehan's ShaderTFX add-on. If you've never installed this before, follow the directions and test they work first. If you've already installed a copy of ShaderTFX (registered or unregistered), you can skip these steps. There are two installers depending on whether you are running WMM 6.0 on a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows. The installer will put the necessary files into, C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared.
Prerequisite: Rehan's ShaderTFX add-on.

Windows Movie Maker 6.0:
Blaine's Transition Pack 2 (64-bit) Installer
Blaine's Transition Pack 2 (32-bit) Installer

After restarting Windows Movie Maker, you should have 7 new transitions with corresponding icons:
  • MultiSlide (2 columns) - Each column slides in opposite directions

  • MultiSlide (2 rows) - Each row slides in opposite directions

  • MultiSlide (many columns) - Each column slides in opposite directions

  • MultiSlide (many rows) - Each row slides in opposite directions

  • MultiSlide (quad diagonal) - Each corner moves in a different diagonal direction

  • MultiSlide (quad orthogonal) - Each corner moves in a different compass direction

  • MultiSlide (weaving) - Lines and columns appear to weave in and out.

  • *Note: These transitions require the architecture of WMM 6.0 and can't be made to work on versions 2.6 or earlier.


    1. these effects dont work??! i installed them and everything and they're in my WMM but the effect doesn't show up!!!! help!?!!!?!?

    2. @bw20, several things are required:
      1) Make sure you installed the correct (32-bit or 64-bit version of WMM 6.0, not WLMM) that matches your version of Windows 7.
      2) Make sure you installed DirectX as noted on Rehan's pages
      3) Make sure you installed and tested ShaderTFX as noted on Rehan's pages
      4) Finally, these are *transitions* not effects. Be sure you are looking under your Transitions folder, not effects.

      1. Its not being displayed when I restart movie maker. All specifications are fulfilled.

      2. I don't know what to say. Please verify each of the steps again and also verify that Rehan's transitions are also working.

    3. I'm on windows 7 and your stuff is going into the
      wrong programs file.There's two program file on windows 7.
      It's need to go in program files x87

      1. The problem is you are running a 32-bit version of Windows Movie Maker 6.0 on a 64-bit version of Windows. You should uninstall that and reinstall the 64-bit version of WMM 6.0. That will put WMM 6.0 in the expected Program Files folder, and you'll have the version of Movie Maker designed for a 64-bit version of Windows.
