Saturday, May 26, 2007

Custom Color Fade Effects for Windows Movie Maker 6.0

Preview Blaine's Color Fade EffectsWindows Movie Maker comes with standard effects to apply a grayscale or sepia tone effect to your pictures or video, but one thing it lacks is an easy way to have video gradually fade to or from grayscale or sepia to full color. I've created a package of custom effects that let you add this ability to Windows Movie Maker 6.0.

There are two installers depending on whether you are running WMM 6.0 on a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows. The installer will put the necessary files into, C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared.
Windows Movie Maker 6.0:
Blaine's Color Fade Effects (64-bit)
Blaine's Color Fade Effects (32-bit)
After installing, you'll have the following new color fade effects:
  • Grayscale (Color In)

  • Grayscale (Color Out)

  • Sepia (Color In)

  • Sepia (Color Out)

  • Note: These effects take advantage of the effects architecture of Windows Movie Maker 6.0 and therefore will not work in WMM 2.x.


    1. Your effects look like they would be great, unfortunately, I can not get them to show up in movie maker.
      I have followed your instructions about installing the necessary run times, just no luck.
      I am using movie maker ver. 6.0.6000.16386. Vista Ultimate 64 bit. Any ideas?
      I am new to movie maker so please bear with me.

    2. I figured it out! Your installer loads the effect into the Program Files(x86)\Movie Maker instead of the Program Files\Movie Maker. I forgot that 64 bit has 2 separate Program File locations, 1 for 32 bit and 1 for 64 bit. Thanks anyway, the effects work great.

    3. Blaine...I have downloaded your custom fade effects as well as the "desaturate.xlm" code off the forum. I'm still getting a black screen when applying them. The effects do show up in the effects list. Any suggestions?

    4. Does it happen on all video clips and pictures? What level of pixel shader support does your graphics card have? Have you gotten other custom effects to work?

    5. I figured it out!!! The installer put everything in the "Program Files(x86) area and I only moved two (2) of the files to the right directory. I failed to move the .fx file which was in the Shared folder. It work great!!! Thanks for something I have been struggling with for days. For some reason, when I save my .mov files with WLMM, the saturation level is too high. Looks good until it is saved. Now I can work with the wmv files and adjust as needed.

    6. Heeheee! This is great! All these years I've had to do it the hard way in XP. I love this effect and will use it a lot. Thank you very much!

    7. Hi Blaine!
      I'm an avid user of this effect, I create fan videos and enjoy using this effect to make a memory fade to seem more modern.
      I have a question.
      I tend to use these a lot as mentioned before, so what I like to do is get both effects together, well (Grayscale In,Grayscale Out) in one video. I do this to get the color sort of mixed with the grayscale in the middle of the clip. But, I just wanted to know if you knew any xmls to keep it that way? The color-mixed-grayscale but throughout the whole clip.

    8. Alexy,

      It sounds like you want something that is desaturated. Try using DPL's Saturation Effects. Try the 50% effect first.

    9. Can somebody help me figure out how to get this transition to show up in movie maker for Vista version 6.0. Thanks so much

    10. Lovebugs80, if you have a 64-bit version of Windows, copy the complete contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Movie Maker\Shared (files and folders) over to C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared

    11. I've added separate installers for 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Manual copying is no longer necessary.

    12. Blaine you are such a nice guy/gal for making this, no really, you're great! Thank you so much!! \(^u^)/

    13. Links seem to be broken, any other options to obtain these?

      1. I'm working on fixing the links that my ISP broke. :)
