Monday, August 06, 2007

Compositing and Translucency now available for Vista Movie Maker

Blaine's Custom BlendsThis post is now out-of-date. Please refer to my updated post on Compositing and Translucency Transitions (Re-released)


  1. Error message during install: Module C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\BlainesBasicTFX.dll failed to register. HRESULT =2147024770. Contact your support personnel. My options are then to: Cancel, Retry, Ignore

  2. Try installing the Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Runtime Redistribution Package first, then run my installer. Let me know how that goes.

  3. I've installed the runtime files, and I still get the same error. Maybe it could be a problem with the DLL?

  4. It works now =) I've checked out the 'camera juggle' effect, and it works pretty well :D

  5. Hey Blaine. I was wondering if you could help me. I have seen your posts regarding the movie marker xml logo overlay. I have worked it out and have been using the technique for some time, however I want to make mylogo.jpg BIGGER on the screen. I have tried to do this by enlarging the actual logo and have changed things within the xml file, however to no avail. I was hoping you could advise?

    My apologies for posting as a comment, I couldn't find your email address on here. :-(

  6. You are asking about a logo overlay. Check the original forum post regarding this which includes details on how to change the size.
    Forum post on Logo/Watermark overlays

    Feel free to post there with further questions if you need more help.

  7. Every effect you put on here is genius. Thanks!

  8. Hey, blaine

    I just downloaded all the things and installed them with no problems.

    But I thougth i could use it to bluescreen, but nopes. :-(

    What i want to do is one video with me drawing a circle with my finger, and one flash animation (exported to avi or whatever), kind of virtual reality... but i can't imagine how to do it with your software...

    any suggestions???
    thanks in advance!
    guillem, barcelona : guillem

  9. Check the Movie Maker forums in the
    list of Vista transitions, effects and titles. Rehan has developed a 'ShaderTFX' that allows you to do Bluescreen and Greenscreen in Vista.

  10. Hey Blaine, I need some help...I've installed both of the files [redistributable & runtime], and then ran the installer...but in WMM, the transitions don't work. The comp A add B and the transluceny transitions only work as fade effects, and the camera jiggle doesn't work at all.
    I'm not sure why they don't could be because I installed the runtimes in my comp's program files folder...?? I wasn't sure where else to install them...idk.
    Do you have any suggestions as to what is causing them to not work?

  11. Hi Blaine, I'm having the same issue as chibistar6 above me. When I installed, I got the error: Module C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\BlainesBasicTFX.dll failed to register. HRESULT =2147024770. Contact your support personnel. My options are then to: Cancel, Retry, Ignore. I just ignore, and the effects were in WMM, but only worked as a fade. Jiggle didn't work at all. I installed the runtimes in my download folder, maybe that's my issue? Should it be somewhere else? Thanks for all your hard work, all my other effects work perfectly!!

  12. You are the best!
    Really nice, great and it all works great!
    Ps: you could say at Show A and Show B that the sound of B/A still goes, so that's a nice effect too, simple but great!

    Thanks a lot!

  13. getting a black screen with camera jiggle?

  14. Umm...if you can ,
    could you pls upload a version for Windows XP??cos i really want this efftct as it is so cool but mine is not Vista but XP =(
    thx =)

  15. These Vista transitions were created in response to existing custom transitions that were already created in Windows XP. The compositing is done using 'Comp A add B'. And translucency is done with the 'Translucent' transition in XP.

    Here's a link to a Windows Movie Maker post on Comp A add B and Translucency If you have questions, post them in that thread.

  16. Hey blaine i've run the installer but have to move the parts when installed to the correct programs folder (because i'm running x64 bit vista ultimate and have a normal program folder and a x86 program folder) When i do this the effects and transiitions show up in wmm but when i apply camera jiggle i just get a black screen and compositing is just the same as fading. any help would be great thanks.

  17. Hey blaine. Is translucent really different then fade? The picture still fades in and out at the end of the overlay. I would really like to have an video fade in and fade out without the first video fading out completely. That make any sense? LoL. Also, my camera jiggle just makes a black screen. Any idea why? that seems like a really cool effect and i'd like to try it out :-)


  18. If you are seeing a fade, or a black screen it means that BlainesBasicTFX.dll failed to register. Read the following post on how to resolve the issue.

  19. How come the Jiggle Camera doesn't work??

  20. I get "Error message during install: Module C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\BlainesBasicTFX.dll failed to register. HRESULT =2147024770. Contact your support personnel. My options are then to: Cancel, Retry, Ignore" message after going through the first two steps. Suggestions, I really liked the effect on the demo and would like to get it up and running.Thanks. BTW everything else you've posted has worked swimmingly.

  21. Apparently I'm doing it wrong because all I can get it to do is to fade from one clip to the other.

    Any help would be appreciated


  22. when i try this its a transition and ends up turning out as being just like the fade effect so when i try it it fades instead of putting them together can u or someone plz help me heres my e-mail

    help is greatly appreciated

  23. I have downloaded and installed as you said, no error messages. It came up and said it was installing, but nothing has happened. I am on vista 64.
    Any ideas where I am going wrong

  24. I don't have a 64-bit Windows Vista to test on... sorry. The directories are different and there might be other issues.

  25. I have worked it out now and yes it was because of directories, they are placed under "programs (x64)" and need to be moved to "programs", it doesn't like putting them there by default as it doesn't seem to believe I am the administrator, so need to do it in windows explorer. It appears to be the same with a lot of things create for MM when used in vista 64. Hope this helps someone else.

  26. Ok where can I get these explosions or snow videos?? -CJ

  27. Ok where can I get these explosions or snow videos?? -CJ

  28. Check out Neo's Clip Archive. Specifically look under Katho's collection or the Particle Illusions set.

  29. I'm trying to make an tribute video to my favorite singer who died 7 years ago & i was wondering if there is an effect or sumthin like this. it's like the sky with clouds and stuff

  30. Quick question: Can I just use the DirectX Web Installer? Every time I try and use the one you link to, it asks me where I want to put the files.

  31. great effect I found this when someone asked me if I could add color to this ((it looks better on my computer) ) worked very well after a little trial and error (and the contrast effect was useful there) turned out pretty cool

    (I didn't realize this had comments that's why I didn't leave a comment earlier)

  32. Hey, Blaine?

    Your effects don't seem to work on my computer. They just turn up as fades, though I've downloaded the two other installers. It's really weird..I've deleted them a few times and retried, but they never work.

  33. had to search for download and install
    Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Redistributable Files x64 also

    and move c:\program files(x86)\movie make\shared\addonstfx folder to the normal program files movie maker directory for vista 64 bit

    works a treat now.

  34. Hey Blaine,
    I downloaded the BlaineBlends.msi file and tried to install the files and got a error message (C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\BlainesBasicTFX.dll failed to register. HRESULT =2147024770. Contact your support personnel.)

    I tried all the steps even step A and B and still couldnt get the Composite A add B to work. The transition was in the Movie Maker list but when I applied it to the video clip to overlay it over the picture, I just got a normal fade in to the video clip rather than have it on top of the picture.

    I am at complete loss and I am trying to edit my cousins christening and they need the video in 3 days. Is their any way of having Composite A add B to work in vista???

    any help is appreciated

  35. When I run this it opens in notepad and doesn't install can I fix that. Everything else downloaded fine.

  36. OK I got all that now, how do I make the video and background longer.Like ex: the video is 1 min long how do make the background the same lengeth and transparent,because I'm trying to add my on watermark/logo on my video.I got it nailed down for like 10 secs you can see my logo/black background and transparent thing. then it's stop how do I make the Bg the same length as the original video(which is 1 min) still having the transparent effect?

  37. For making your logo clip longer, you would do that as a separate project. Repeat the clip as long as necessary, then save it back out as a new movie.

    However, assuming there is no animation in your logo, I would just do a title overlay of a transparent GIF or PNG. For more details, read the following post on Overlaying a Transparent Logo/Watermark

  38. when I save the notepad for thw shader thing it says it needs to find a path and then I try to save it but it says the same thing. please help

  39. Blaine! what do I do so I can save my notepad transition line correctly? Please answer!

  40. Hi Blaine, just wanted to say thanks. A add B is fantastic, just what I've been looking for. Cheers!

  41. Hi,
    I love this effect and it works really good for me, but I just wonder where your installer puts all the files? I can see BlainBlends.dll and BlainBlends.xml in AddOnTFX, but where is the rest?

  42. I have the same problem as pmkiwi, I start the installer, it gathers it data, quits, and nothing. have ya happened to find a 64 vista comp to test it on to find out the errors?

  43. With Vista nearing end of life now that Windows 7 and Live Essentials are coming out, I probably won't be working on a 64-bit version, but pmkiwi's tips should work.

    Move it from the x86 program folders (copy the exact same structure of the Movie Maker folders) over to the 64-bit Program Files folders. Register the DLL and it should then work.

  44. I just tried out the Overlay/Logo Watermark and I must tell you THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm doing the school broadcast this year and I wanted a little logo of a redbird (our mascot) at the bottom right of the screen. Your effect worked perfectly! Thank you again and again!! :)

  45. How do you register a DLL?

  46. regsvr32 /s "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\BlainesBasicTFX.dll"

  47. I registered the DLL but it still just acts as a fade

  48. Thanks, mate. That worked fine. Much appreciated,

  49. Dear Blaine, I downloaded the file however when I apply the effect it doesn't show the video I put the effect on. Did something go wrong. Plz help. THx!!!!

  50. You need the 3 things noted in the post above. Also, the installer only works on 32-bit Vista so if you have a 64-bit Vista, things end up in the wrong locations.

  51. I downloaded all three things and it didn't work... It says its downloaded but it won't show up?

  52. when i click on the link, it goes to your youtube..

  53. The picture links to a sample video. Check in the section under installing for the components you'll need.

  54. Hey I'm using Windows Movie Maker 2.6 in Windows 7 and I can't get any of these to work. I saw some of the Vista 64 users had to move files from Program Files(x64) to Program Files. I have a Program Files(x86) and another Program Files folder. Would the same apply? Also under the PF(x86) folder is a Movie Maker Folder and a Movie Maker 2.6 Folder. I assume everything needs to go to 2.6?

  55. Unfortunately WMM 2.6 is just a recompiling of the Windows XP version of Movie Maker. It doesn't have the updated engine of the Vista Windows Movie Maker 6.0. So focus on Windows XP transitions/effects/titles instead.

  56. is there a way to have this instead of downloading program because i dont want to waste time

  57. When i ran the Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Redistributable Files it said it couldnt find /%APPDATA or something. what should i do?

  58. i tried instaling the directX and it keeps saying something bout low memory or corrupted cabinet file?

  59. hey i downloaded them all and i only got the camera jiggle

  60. So i've tried to download this a lot of times and the only thing that comes up when i try to download it is:
    The file C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\addoneffects\BlaineBlends.msi cannot be imported because the codec required to play the file is not installed on your computer. If you have already tried to download and install the codec, close and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to import the file again.

    Please help.

  61. Kadie, you don't import it into Movie Maker. It's an installer. You need to have the Windows Installer loaded. Be sure you've done the other steps first though.

  62. hi..i love all your effects and they all seem to work fine on my computer...however when i downloaded this one i only got the camera jiggle effect..i have downloaded all of the other do i get the composisting,show a show b and the transluscancy???

  63. Hi, I was wondering if you could help me?

    I've run both the Visual Studio and the Direct X things, but I can't actually run your download itself. I keep getting:

    'A network error occured while attempting to read from the file: C;\Users\CHARLO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\57q6yafy.tmp\BlaineBlends[1].msi'

    And the only option I have is to press OK, which aborts the installation.

    What do I do?? I would so love this effect!


  64. Dan, Microsoft has yet to publish details on creating add-ons for Windows Live Movie Maker so if that is the version you are referring to, the answer is "not yet".

    However, you can load WMM 6.0 (the Vista version) into Windows 7. See my post on Installing Windows Movie Maker 6.0 under Windows 7

  65. Where do you download BlainesBasicTFX.dll?

  66. It's part of the last download link.

  67. I have WMM 6 on Windows 7. I downloaded the first two files and ran them to make sure I had the appropriate files. Everything seemed to download/install fine. I downloaded your stuff and it seemed to download/install fine as well. I go into WMM and your stuff isn't anywhere to be seen. I've tried downloading, re-downloading, re-installing, and nothing seems to make it work. I REALLY want to toy with the your compositing capabilities so please help!

  68. I doubt that this will work on a 64-bit system. It was designed for 32-bit Vista. You might try using ShaderTFX instead.

  69. IT'S NOT WORKING!!! It keeps saying that there was an error trying to open the file or something...I download EVERYTHING that i was supposed to download......HELP!!!! please?

  70. Kaitlyn,

    More information please. Are you on Vista or Win7? Are you using a 32-bit OS or a 64-bit OS? What's the specific error message and when?

  71. I'm using Vista and it's a 32-bit i believe. The specific error message is: A network error occured while attempting to read from file: C:\Users\beverly\AppData\Local\Temp\e3lkayvw.tmp\BlaineBlends(1).msi

    And that shows up right after it downloads and I try to open it to install it.

  72. Kaitlyn,

    Try saving it to somewhere (like Documents, or Desktop), then try running it. Also make sure you are an administrator on the computer.

  73. Awesome!! This is exactly what I needed =D

  74. It's still not working. I've tried saving it everywhere. what should I do now?!

  75. Kaitlyn,

    Try cleaning up a prior bad installation using the Following steps. Let me know your results.

  76. I just tried installing that and that's not even working!
    It's saying:
    The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
    CS:1222 IP:01c4 OP:63 6f 6e 74 65 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

    I've clicked both Close and Ignore and nothing ever happens!!!

  77. Kaitlyn,

    You've gone beyond what I can diagnose remotely. It really sounds like you have some issues with corrupt system files. Searching the web I've seen mention of trying to running the System File Checker (sfc /now). I suggest finding a dedicated PC support forum and asking them. It's unrelated to my download, but perhaps something else you might have installed about the same time?

  78. Hi, uhm.. i installed and ran everything, but when i go to WMM, the comp A and B isnt there...


  79. I'm going to be redoing this using Rehan's ShaderTFX. If you download that and get it working, I'll give you a way to make these work too.

  80. Kaitlyn (and others that were having trouble),

    I've re-releaed my Custom Compositing and Translucency Transitions. They work for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Movie Maker 6.0 as well as the older XP version (2.x).

  81. Hello i need your help me and my friend shawn our making a low budget movie and we cant find a download for windows movie maker 6.0 because youre effect wont work on the 2.6 version please help and as far as the explosion effects i cant figure out how to get them

  82. i get a load of different things but i dont get a add b

  83. Since the new installer requires ShaderTFX, you should get all of Rehan's transitions and effects. I assume that's what you mean by "loads of different things".

    My installer will load the following transitions. Remember these are transitions, not effects.
    Compositing (A add B)
    Show A, Show B
    Translucency 10% through 90%

    If you are still having trouble, let me know more about what you see and don't see and also if you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows, and similarly if you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of ShaderTFX. Then finally, which of the two installers did you pick for my transitions?

  84. hey im doing a add b with windows vista. i try to put an explosion with a back background in a bright video of airsoft. when i go to wmm6 64 bit
    i place the video with my airsoft in front audio/video file with the video file of the explosion next i put the selected segment of explosions i want with the black back ground and use the a add b. now in the video it should not have a fade or black background because the tutorial i found online showed that it didnt fade. my issue is the explosion shows over but the airsoft video is shaded black because the background of the b clip is black. i dont want this how cna i fix or edit this out of my video?

  85. Comp A add B does just that -- it adds the pixels of both clips together. It should end up adding the explosion on top of the background clip.

    Are you sure you've got ShaderTFX working correctly? Have you tested the ShaderTFX transitions/effects first? Do they work fine?

  86. i have repaired The shaderTFX by launching setup and clicking repair. now that i have done that im going to look for shaderTFX transitions in wmm6 which i don't know which ones are but i'm going to go through and test them all

  87. there apears to only be transitions in the wmm6 transitions page on wmm6. the background clip for the explosions is black still. is their a way to make it more transparent so that when it overlaps as an already transparent a add b it will be barely visible.

  88. Could i ask a question? When will u be making this for windows 7? forgive me if u have responded to someone but i do not have the patience to read all of these.

  89. There are 2 things that make it very unlikely I'll ever be able to release this for Windows Live Movie Maker:
    1. WLMM is limited to a maximum transition time of 7 seconds.
    2. Microsoft has not published any details on how to create custom effects or transitions for WLMM.

    The good news is you can install Windows Movie Maker 6.0 on Windows 7 and have the best of both worlds. You can create your composited clip in WMM 6.0, save it as a movie and then make further edits in WLMM, if desired.

  90. When I do this it is still a little transparent.Help!

    1. Which transition are you trying to use? And what do you mean by "little transparent". The translucency transitions are supposed to have both clips blending with some transparency of the first and the second. The compositing transtion adds the pixels together so if you have something that is less than full white, it blends. It's not a black chroma transition, it's an 'add' compositing transition.

  91. Blaine ive installed all 3 items necessary for a 64-bit windows 7 pc. Ive restated pc and cannot locate any downloaded material on movie maker. Any ideas? Thanks.

    1. Some additional questions:
      - Are you using Windows Movie Maker 6.0 (64-bit)? If you are using WMM 6.0 (32-bit) then please reinstall using the menu at the top of this blog.
      - If you are using one of the recent versions of Movie Maker (e.g. 2011 or 2012) they do not support customizations. These will not work on that version.

  92. 1. WMM 6.0 (64-bit) in C:\Program Files\Movie Maker?
    2. DirectX runtimes loaded from RehanFX, followed by ShaderTFX. Please confirm you see these new transitions/effects.
    3. Load these transitions last.

  93. AHhh HA! That was the problem. I was using the incorrect movie maker. Thanks for your help. Now i can make explosions for a music video.

  94. i keep getting the error for rehan shader fx package when i click run. it says "The file C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\n88t64f2.tmp\SetupShaderTFX.msi cannot be imported because the codec required to play the file is not installed on your computer. If you have already tried to download and install the codec, close and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to import the file again."

    1. You just run it, you don't try to import it into Movie Maker. But if you need further help, check with Rehan
